Annual and integrated reporting - Simply Sustainable

Simply Sustainable

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Reporting and communications

Annual and integrated reporting

Building a suite of credible sustainability disclosures requires a multi-stakeholder approach that should be accessible and attractive to key groups with a variety of expectations. In previous years, sustainability-centred businesses have included core ESG performance indicators as part of their annual reporting as a complement to a more detailed annual sustainability report.

These reports, often aimed at financial market participants, cover the company’s approach to its most material ESG topics.

Today, integrating quality ESG disclosure into annual reporting should be seen as an essential part of an organisation’s annual communications to stakeholders. Disclosure should reflect a cohesive and efficient approach to corporate reporting and present a clear corporate focus on the interdependencies between financial and ESG performance, risk, and opportunities.

According to the IFRS Foundation, an organisation formed to integrate financial accounting standards with sustainability accounting standards to support better information and promote better decision-making, an integrated report is: “a concise communication about an organisation’s strategy, governance, performance and prospects. Presenting each topic in the context of the organisation’s external environment, the report summarises how the organisation creates value in the short, medium and long term.”

Investor regulations have shifted to combat greenwashing, demanding comparable and standardised reporting. Including essential ESG disclosures in annual or integrated reports should help businesses avoid the dreaded scarlet letter of being an ‘unsustainable investment’. Ed Packshaw Head of Reporting and Communications, Simply Sustainable

Ensuring your annual reporting is reflective of your organisation’s true sustainability efforts, whilst motivating providers of financial capital to understand your ability to create value to all stakeholders is a significant challenge. Balancing value creation across employees, customers, suppliers, partners, local communities, legislators, regulators and shareholders requires a suite of metrics, standards and risk frameworks that is reflective of a truly integrated and sustainable organisation. This demands concise disclosure on a range of the most material topics, often covering: an overview of the organisation and its strategy, Board oversight of ESG topics, diversity, carbon and biodiversity, governance practices, risk management, values, goals and targets. Successfully integrating reporting is likely to be well received by capital markets, not only because it is a very clear indicator of a business that is prepared for a sustainable future, but that it aligns with upcoming UK and existing EU investor regulations that will support the classification and labelling of your business as a sustainable investment.

At Simply Sustainable, we have over 13 years’ experience in helping organisations navigate the complex and fast-paced reporting landscape. We understand the intricate expectations of each stakeholder, and how to report and communicate in a manner that encourages support, is future-oriented and strategic.

To find out how our team of experts can help you on your carbon and climate journey, contact Ed Packshaw or request a call-back.

Ed Packshaw

Head of Reporting and Communications

  • +44 (0) 7908 189170

Ed joins the Simply Sustainable team with over 12 years experience in ESG and corporate sustainability, combining both in-house sustainability leadership roles with client leadership and project management expertise, across a range of sectors, including real estate, construction, education and pharmaceuticals.

As our Head of ESG Reporting and Communication, Ed is responsible for leading clients through their disclosure journey, driving continuous improvement and transparency to deliver impactful and comparable reporting practices that align with a wide-range of stakeholder expectations and help clients present their achievements and goals towards becoming a truly sustainable and profitable business.

Ed has a wealth of experience in international standard and frameworks, including TCFD, SASB, ISSB, CDP, SDGs, GRI, UNGC and a detailed understanding of UK, EU and US regulations and compliance requirements.

Alongside his professional experience, Ed holds a diploma in Sustainable Finance from the University of Cambridge, professional qualifications in Environmental Management and Carbon Management from IEMA and an honours degree in Zoology & Biological Sciences from the University of Edinburgh.


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