Women’s History Month: Our Heroes

March is Women’s History Month. An annual celebration in recognition of the vital role women have played throughout history. It serves as an opportunity to raise awareness about the continued struggles and obstacles that women face in achieving equality and to advocate for women’s rights. 

Simply Sustainable Women's History Month: Our heroes

As a company lead by inspirational women, the team at Simply Sustainable have nominated some of their heroes from history and today:

Anita Roddick – founder of The Body Shop
Leah Thomas – environmentalist IG: @greengirlleah
Kate Raworth – economist and author of Doughnut Economics
Dr Vandana Shiva – sustainability scholar
Rachel Carson – environmental pioneer
Christine Lagarde – President of the European Central Bank

For more on these inspirational women and why they are so important to our team, click here.

Author: Andy Clow, Marketing Manager, Simply Sustainable

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