Developing a strategy for a brighter future for MAG

Sustainable growth at Manchester Airports Group
We worked hand in hand with Manchester Airports Group (MAG) to develop its 2020 CSR strategy, an ambitious plan to deliver sustainable growth across its business over the next five years and beyond.
Impacts and benefits
- Put stakeholder feedback and concerns at the heart of the approach
- Agreed new, ambitious commitments as a core element of the new strategy
- Delivered a strategic plan that addresses both local and global challenges
We’ve worked with the team at Simply Sustainable for many years and we value the close partnership we have developed. They have helped us through the challenges of strategy development, executing insightful materiality reviews, running engagement and leadership workshops, and continuing to help us communicate about our sustainability work both within and outside the business.Neil Robinson Group CSR & Future Airspace Director, Manchester Airports Group
The story
At Simply Sustainable, we pursue an evidence-based approach to developing strategy for our clients. This ultimately ensures time and resource is focused on the areas with the greatest potential to generate positive impact.
We’ve been working with the team at MAG for over five years providing independent support to help them translate myriad stakeholder views into strategic insight. So when talk turned to their new CSR strategy, we couldn’t wait to get started with a tailored approach that took MAG’s unique operating model into account.
Our work began with in-depth consultations with local residents and groups, customers and partners to explore their dynamic needs. Analysing these incredible insights informed a detailed materiality assessment that built on our previous work and broadly identified MAG’s priorities.
We then scrutinised each priority topic – a process which involved analysis in the context of MAG’s business and operations, the local landscape, the wider aviation sector and global challenges – before bringing experts from across the business together in a series of workshops to agree the overall direction and generate the ideas that will bring the approach to life.
The resulting strategy builds on MAG’s strong track record of operating for the benefit of the communities, regions and environment around its airports whilst recognising its role in tackling the significant sustainability challenges facing the aviation sector.